Loss Of Innocence In Lord Of The Flies

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Loss of Innocence in Lord of The Flies
According to Alexa Clancy and Caitlin Klutz,"In our society, there comes a time in one's life when innocence is a result of an experience or gain of knowledge ... In some cases, innocence may be lost in one's life before it is meant to be lost" (qtd.www.innocencelostontheroad.weebly.com/essay.html). In a similar way to William Golding's Lord of The Flies where the boys lose their innocence as they remain on the island by themselves hoping to get rescued. Thus, using symbols, Golding portrays how the loss of innocence lead them to savagery.
To begin with, the boys changes as the novel progresses, from really well-behaved boys to really cruel savages. Using the symbolism of face paint, Golding portrays
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Golding uses the face paint as an embodiment of a mask, that liberates them from shame and self-consciousness (64). For example, "When he [Jack] tries it for the first time, he feels an almost delirious sense of abandonment" (64). As it satisfies Jack, "his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling" (64). This emphasizes that this is his first stepping stone to loss of innocence and into savagery. As other boys start wearing the mask, they too, express a mutual feeling of liberation and withdrawal, from their old morals and way of life. Towards the end of the novel, Golding describes them as demonic figures with faces of white and red and green rushed out howling, so that the littluns fled screaming (140). With Golding's use …show more content…
For example, when the boys argue what kind of beast is out there to get them, Simon answers: "maybe there is a beast,… maybe it's only us (89). And, when he encounters with it, the beast introduces itself and says that "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill" (143). Through these quotes, it shows how Simon has learnt the truth of the beast, evil exists in every one of them, Knowing the truth that the beast has always been a part of them, the reason why things are no go, why things are what they are (164). Therefore, it causes him to lose his innocence, however, Simon did not give in to the beast and become a savage like everyone else, all of the boys did in some point. For example, when Jack and his hunters killed a pig, he plays with its blood, laughing while flicking them as the other boys laughed. Also, the pig that they killed is for an offering to the beast. This means, that Jack and his hunters have fully given up themselves to evil and savagery, the sight of Jack and his hunters playing with the pig's blood symbolizes that they truly lost their innocence and immerse in their natural evil. In addition to that, Piggy and Ralph also become a part of them, releasing their real inner evil and joining to the savagery that the other boys already have. For not knowing the real significance of the beast, the boys lose

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