Using the APUS library i started doing research on criminal justice i recived a wide range of results by using the three Boolean operations i narrowed my search results down to just a few, by searching for criminal justice, America and gangs. By searching those three keywords i was able to find a research article covering gang violence in Chicago. The title of the article is Changing the Street Dynamic written by Andrew Papachristos from Yale University and David Kirk from Oxford University. Chicago is well know for its gang and gun violence but due to the violence reduction strategy theres been a 23% reduction in gun violence as well as 32% reduction in gunshot victims within the gang fractions that uses the call in experience. This…
In Luis J. Rodriguez’s Alway Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A., he depicts his struggles growing up and facing: discrimination, violence, stereotypes, sexism, gangs and ignorance. At a young age, Rodriguez was exposed to such items influenced him to be segregated from his classmates. His classmates would beat him up; he had to digest his situation. Not until he grew a bit older, he started to present repercussions. Later in his early adolescent years, Luis express that repercussion with violence.…
Flores’ book God’s Gangs (NYU Press 2014) has won the American Sociological Association's (ASA) Latina/o Sociology Section's 2014 Distinguished Contribution to Research Book Award. The epicenter of America’s gang problem is Los Angeles. The common rituals and customs of gangs, including Los Angeles’ eastside gangs, are hand signals, graffiti, and clothing styles. These have spread to small towns and big cities alike across America. Many people believe that urban marginality is related to the gang problems.…
The number of single-parent families are 27.2%. There is an increasing amount of gang activity with a known number of 500 gang members. Gang related crimes rose by 25% in the state of Tennessee in 2011. (The Tennessean, 2012). More than doubling the number of crimes since 2005.…
Many of us know the stereotypes of a gang member and what they're like. But, do we actually know what someone who has been in a gang actually gone through? I've recently read a memoir about Luis J. Rodriguez who has written about his life experiences while being in a gang and the impacts it created throughout his life in his book Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A. He shows the economic influence of the youth that chose to turn to a life of gangs and violence.…
Los Angeles, the “gang capital” of the nation. Over than 450 gangs in the city, some have been in existence since the 1950’s. All of these gangs combined have a individual total of about 45,000. Gang affiliation has taken a big role in the city of Los Angeles, in the last 3 years there has been a total of about 16,000 crimes, 491 of them were homicides. Gang affiliation has taken a big role on the lives of many young people, falling into drugs, and maybe to the course of committing murder or other crimes.…
In comparison to other countries around the world, the United States reported “33,000 violent street, motorcycle, and prison gang activity in the U.S."(Donnelley, 2014). There are estimated to be more than 1.4 million gang…
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics and police department in Salinas. The Salinas city violent crimes such as homicide, drug trafficking and others rates are considerably more than other cities of California. Although the violent crimes have been decreasing since 2000. Most of the gangsters are very active in the poorest parts of central and East of Salinas because of limited resources. We have a different statistics about Salinas’s gangs.…
Gentrification is adding to inequalities and misfortunes within Bay Area communities. Gentrification is the purchasing of deteriorated urban areas and renovating by higher-end and middle class communities. An abundance of high-end communities come into the Bay Area and purchase up the real estate. Incoming middle and higher class take the Bay Area real estate and revitalise it into up-and-coming neighborhoods. The Bay Area residents, who have been living there for decades, are being pushed out of their homes.…
The most recent estimate of more than 30,000 gangs represents a 15 percent increase from 2006 and is the highest annual estimate since 1996. Gang violence in America has been a major problem in this country which affects several communities and several major cities all throughout America. If gang violence awareness can be more available to areas where it is most popular and holding seminars and informational classes about what the gang life can cause, then there will be a decrease in gang related activity. In America, there has been a rapid increase in gang violence and gang related activity which affects the countries major cities. While larger cities and suburban counties expectedly report higher numbers of gangs, there is also considerable variation within each area type.…
In every state and city there is always those type of neighborhoods that we consider or label as bad and dangerous. But what makes these cities so dangerous? Is it the people that settle in the neighborhood that makes them dangerous or the way media portrays them with the violence and segregations of organizations such as gangs and the crime rates? We see this occurring all around the world marking gangs as the number one problem to the situation. As a result we see many laws emerging across the country that focus on the gang “social problem”.…
It has been noted that “Youth gangs in the U.S. have existed since at least the 1870s,” (Mosher, lecture gangs). Since the establishment, gangs have grown across the globe. In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, gangs “robbed, extorted and raped,” ( Gangs have evolved into street gangs from the violent past. Although some gangs do participate in violence, violence is not their sole purpose.…
57,000 Central American children are coming to the U.S. and our country is in dispute about what to do with them, the gangs that are causing people to fear for their lives and flee. The gangs are ms-13 and ms-18. In the text it says, "Gangs now run the entire towns. " This is well known, and this matters to all of us, young and old. The paragraph, “Who are these Gang Members” acknowledges how most gang members were deported from the US.…
Organization for Reform Now),it is going on the nation over. One illustration of this is The Market National Bank, situated on the south side of Chicago. As per an article by Theresa Puenta, an essayist for the Chicago Tribune, The Market National Bank in the financial year 1996 gathered an aggregate of 560 million is stores; some portion of this sum originating from the ghettos of Chicago 's south side. The article likewise said that around the same time, more than 700 credits were made to for the most part white, up-scale rural areas while just 2 were made to the poor territories on the south side that comprised of blacks and Latinos. The quantity of advances the bank made to it 's encompassing groups did not meet the rate required by the…
Rags to Riches: How the Rise of Graffiti Has Mimicked its Artists On Saturday Night Live in 1997, then-mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani declared “we’ve gotten [graffiti] off our subways, but there are still idiots out there trying to turn our streets into an eyesore! (McKay)” Now, almost twenty years later, an original piece of iconic street artist Banksy’s work sells for as much as $1.7 million (Randal). Each of Banksy’s most valued pieces was undervalued by hundreds of thousands of dollars.…