Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

Decent Essays
This scholarly article’s primary intention is to show why the personal essay African Genesis needs to be in the English curriculum. The authors’ main argument for this is that english students need literature that examines nature and human instincts in a natural light and these books that reflect these sociological studies are recommended so that students can see how the novelists can interpret the same compelling questions about human nature and it’s inherent environments. This main topic throughout the article is quite extraneous to my research, however in further analysis of the personal essay when discussing how animalistic tendencies affect modern society the authors use Golding’s Lord of the Flies to show a contradiction between literature’s different views on this point. …show more content…
This is were the article becomes useful to my point in research. In the article it is made clear that Golding believes that society is the strongest restriction against these tendencies, for if it didn’t we would default back to our savage ways. Therefore only in a state of nature can one be sure that they are observing true animal behavior, for there is no repression against it. That is why in the novel Lord of the Flies there is such a strong falling away from civilization and why the boys show the true horrors of instinct savagery because the boys were no longer in the structure of society. Therefore “man’s aggressive nature is truly a heart of throbbing darkness beneath the skin of civilization”

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