Living With Diabetes Short Story

Improved Essays
Living with Diabetes
By : Adalyn Zajicek

The sky looked cloudy that day and little did I know it would be the worst day to come. My mouth was dry and my head wouldn’t stop hurting. “You need to visit the doctor.” my mother said what I didn’t know was I would be informed of the awful situation that we would have to live with my entire life. As we walked into the doctor’s office, we noticed we must sit and wait, I read cooking magazine’s as we waited. The doctor called us back to the room; she said that I needed to give blood samples to test my A1C.
I had no idea about what was going to happen. The phone rang, it was the doctor. She said that I had to be at the hospital in one hour or they would send an ambulance. My mother packed our belongings as we both cried, I realized this frantic moment was the worst I have ever experienced. We loaded up the car and pulled out going as fast as we could all the way there. I was rushed into a room by the medics along with my mother, I remember seeing people all around the hospital bed I was laying in, they poked my finger and said that my sugar was four hundred thirty-one. I had to take a shot and I thought it would be painful, but I barely felt the tiny needle.
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I had to get my supplies such as needle, my monitor and my insulin from my doctor. I had to learn how to take my shots and check my sugar. I also had to learn how to count carbohydrates and what I could eat and what I could not eat so on and so forth. Taking care of myself living with diabetes is a challenging experience all within itself. I wouldn’t say it was a challenge, it still is to this day. In the past month I have come out of the honeymoon stage, which is the stage when you are diagnosed and your body still produces a tiny amount of

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