The candidate must be willing to put hard work, dedication, and effort into helping the community.
Lindsey Arthur is willing to put hard work, dedication, and effort into helping the community. She has shown these traits by being a great leader and by helping build over a hundred homes in the Muncie community. Her dedication has made working for Habitat For Humanity fun and a privilege for many.
As a young adult, Lindsey Arthur wanted to make the world a better place. While at Taylor University, her studies of the lesser populations helped her on this path. Lindsey states that when she was growing up, she was not aware her community was considered under-privileged. Since she grew up in this community, it helps her better understand the people she is working with. Lindsey can understand what they are going through. Having this personal connection can help a family through the process of building and investing in a new home. Lindsey says, “Helping others has changed me. Their drive to work for the things they need is so inspiring.” Lindsey enjoys creating a personal connection with each family. She enjoys learning their stories, struggles, and how they overcame them. The connection she creates with these families shows that she is not only dedicated to building a home, but also to the family living in it. “Faith has guided me to help others,” Lindsey said. Her love of faith has guided her through tough times with families helped by Habitat For Humanity. She believes that “we are all God’s children, and we should all be treated equally, despite our opinions and economic backgrounds.” This mindset has helped the team build hundreds of homes in our community. Lindsey believes that everyone who is under-privileged deserves the same treatment and care as those who are wealthy. The Habitat For Humanity Program Director, Jena Ashby, admires Lindsey's hard work ethic and willingness to always help. Lindsey and Jena both have “office jobs” where instead of being in the construction site, they monitor progress and budgeting at the Habitat For Humanity office. Jena states that even though they work in offices, when Lindsey is out on the site she is one of the hardest workers. Jena quotes, “She does all the heavy lifting and nail pounding.” “Everyone is motivated by her hard work and dedication to making the project successful.” Jena also admires how well of a leader Lindsey is. Jena said, “Lindsey gets everyone involved. The workers, the family, volunteers, everybody. They are inspired by her work ethic and her drive to always do better.” Everyone is always happy to get involved in projects. Lindsey's daughter, Lily Arthur, also admires her mother's leadership qualities and helpfulness, at home and at work. Lindsey thinks that the hardest part of her job isn't working with budgets or funding, it is doing what's best for Habitat not what's easiest. The hardest part of her job is telling a family that they can't help them, even if they are in need. The family has …show more content…
She says that by working with so many families she has a better understanding for our similarities and differences. She can apply this knowledge to her job. This can help her understand each family's needs, where they came from, and what they need to have a safe home. This also helps her understand where the person is coming from, despite their background. By not having a prejudice to a certain type of person, it can help Lindsey gain a more personal connection with her families.
Lindsey and her family have decided to live in the area of our community where the most homes are needed. She believes that by living in that area she can better understand the community's needs. This shows that she is so dedicated to helping that community, she has decided to live in it, like the families she would be building homes for. By living in the community, it makes it easier to take schedule and take part in neighborhood cleanups and fundraisers. Lindsey says it is also nice to live next to a home she has built. She enjoys this because she watches the family grow and be happy in a homely their