exports.6 (NSS, p.17) The 2015 NSS unmistakably emphasizes American commitment and emphasis on economic prosperity and independence as critical components of the Obama Administration …show more content…
The U.S. plays a fundamental role in the international order reinforcing, shaping and defining, and institutions around the world.7 (NSS, p.23) U.S. participation in numerous international partnerships, institutions, organizations and alliances establishes the foundation for a wide-range of global collaborations.8 (NSS, p.23) The plan stipulates continued participation in the United Nations (UN), while exhibiting adherence to multilateral treaties stressed by resource demands.9 (NSS, p.23) In rebalancing U.S. interests to the Asia-Pacific, multilateral nation-state involvement includes the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (ASEAN) and participation in the Tran-Pacific Partnership (TPP) lowering trade barriers with Pacific Rim nations.10 (NSS, p.17) U.S. strategic intent includes: strengthening European Union (EU) relationships, offering an ambitious Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and sustained participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as recommitment to Article 5 membership support.11 (NSS p.25) In the Middle East and Africa, the U.S. leads a coalition of key stakeholders to defeat al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Further investment in Africa’s future entails