Liberace Case Study Essay

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Case Study: Liberace Liberace was a world-renowned pianist. Even in the early 20’s, when Liberace (full name Wladziu Valentino Liberace) was a child, he showed great aptitude for the piano, beginning his formal musical schooling at the Wisconsin College of Music when he was merely seven years old. His skill at the piano earned him several positions in orchestras when he was only a teenager. He became no less successful as he grew up— in fact, the Guinness Book of World Records lists Liberace as the highest paid pianist of all time. In the peak of his career, he rose to superstar status, eventually getting his own television series, The Liberace Show (1952-55, 1969), and appearances in various films, such as Sincerely Yours (1955) (Biography, 2017). Despite his success, his life was not without drama. After years of people speculating as to Liberace’s sexuality due to his effeminate nature, flamboyant personality, and extravagant costumes, Liberace was outed as gay, a scandal that caused a decrease in the popularity of his television shows (although not his live concerts). In the early eighties, Liberace fought a legal battle against Scott Thorson, a man who claimed he was in a relationship with Liberace and that he promised to provide for and take care of him. The case was later settled outside of court (Biography, 2017). Shortly before he died, rumors of Liberace suffering from AIDS spread like wildfire. Even so, Liberace and his staff denied these allegations until his death in the February of 1987. While his doctor initially claimed he had died of cardiac arrest, an independent autopsy revealed that Liberace had died of AIDS-related pneumonia (Bridges, 2017). According to biographer Darden Pyron, few modern gay people identify with Liberace due to his apparent duplicity and conservative political views: He always played around the edges of [his sexuality] and that's part of the story of his success. ... Nothing about him speaks to a …show more content…
According to English Professor Kevin Kopelson with the University of Iowa, Liberace “tried to come across as pre-sexual, non-sexual or asexual. He presented himself as a girly boy, not a gay man” (as qtd. in Kelly, 2013). Perhaps as a result of his apparent cowardice and self-loathing, Liberace does not have many modern fans: the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas closed in 2010 due to lack of revenue (Kelly, 2013). Nevertheless, the AIDS-related deaths of celebrities such as Liberace and Rock Hudson sparked the culture wars around homosexuality. On one hand, California was filled with conservatives and the elite. On the other hand, however, Cathedral City, close to Liberace’s former home of Palm Springs, had been establishing itself as a “gay mecca,” with a noteworthy gay nightlife: “Sunday night whipped cream wrestling at Daddy Warbucks, monthly theme parties at Rocks, and dancing after hours at C.C. Construction Company became the stuff of hedonistic legends” (Bridges, …show more content…
While it ultimately sparked discussions on same-sex couples, stigmas and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and the gay community spread like wildfire, and are still commonplace in America today. Nevertheless, some viewed AIDS as a humanitarian crisis, and viewed those afflicted with HIV/AIDS, including the gay community, as victims of a particularly devastating disease. According to Contact Theory, however, most publicity is good publicity. While HIV/AIDS may be seen as building walls and isolating the gay community, it was also one of the catalysts that increased LGBT visibility, and forced America to interact with a marginalized

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