Three years after Jacob had one of his brothers eaten by Asher, Jacob was doing just fine. He had grown a meter in length and large spikes had started growing out of his shoulders. He was still small and feeble but he could defend himself from smallish predators, if a carnivore tried to eat him, Jacob’s spikes would stab into the roof of the predator’s mouth and spatter its blood everywhere. It was the dry season and food was scarce, Jacob was lucky to find a berry bush or a small river. A Callovosaurus named Aaron was one of Jacob’s friends, Aaron was 3 meters in length and he had spikes on his thumbs. Aaron looked a lot like a small Iguanodon with big green spots on his back. Jacob and Aaron were both looking for food with Aarons little sister named Sara. She was about one meter in length and was very weak, that's why Aaron had to be with her when she was looking for food. Aaron said that he saw a bunch of ferns on the other side of the Yarzmaona Desert, Yarzmaona Desert was a smallish desert that was full of snakes and quicksand. The three friends decided to go through the desert because that was the fastest way to get to the delicious food. When they got about halfway through the desert they came across a burrow that was surrounded by small fern plans. Sara didn’t pay attention to the burrow and started to eat the ferns, Jacob saw something move in the burrow and like a cannon launching a cannonball, a snake jumped out of the burrow and wrapped itself around Sara. Sara screamed and squirmed but the snake wouldn’t let go. Jacob tried to get the snake off but the snake just kept tighting itself around Sara. Eventually the snake tightened itself so much that Sara eyes popped out and then her head exploded leaving bits of eyeball and shattered skull everywhere. Aaron was enraged and then stuck his thumb spike in the snakes forehead killing it. Aaron told Jacob to continue on to the other side of the desert without him because he was tired and could survive off the fern plants surrounding the burrow. Jacob then did what he said and went to the massive amount of ferns on the other side of the forest. A hundred million years ago in the Jurassic period a green, striped, spiny Lexovisaurus named Jacob was eating ferns on the side of a forest. He was now six and a half meters long and he had one and a half meter long spikes on his shoulders. He was reaching adulthood and had to eat a ton of food to support his …show more content…
It was the wet season and Jacob was as big as a Lexovisaurus could grow, and he was eating around a ton of food a day. Jacob had gotten in countless fights with all kinds dinosaurs so he was covered in tons of