To start off, Lennie knew he was always safe when he was with George, and George would be by his side no matter what. “...Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's why.” (Page 14). Lennie loved George and George loved Lennie. They both knew no matter the circumstance they would both look out for eachother and it would all work out in the end. This was one example that showed friendship in the book. …show more content…
“He won’t do it...George wouldn’t do nothing like that. I’ve been with George a long time. He’ll come back tonight-”(Page 71). This quote shows the level of trust Lennie and George had for eachother. Someone was telling Lennie that George would just forget about him, but Lennie couldn’t believe that. And sure enough George ended up coming home that night. Lennie and George’s bond was shown in this example of their