Exemplary Clinton Speech Analysis

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Throughout history, women’s rights have been a constant issue. In Hilary Clinton’s speech “Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session” in 1995, she empowers women and declares that women’s rights are human rights, and that obstacles women face will no longer be silenced. Clinton begins her speech by immediately strengthening her credibility with lists, diction, her personal experiences, mentioning obstacles women encounter, and creating a sense of unity with her audience. Hilary Clinton successfully explains why women’s rights should not be separated from human rights and does so with strong emotional and ethical appeals. To begin, Hilary Clinton speaks about unity to make her speech more powerful to her audience and …show more content…
For example, Clinton took part “in a World Health Organization Forum” that was specifically about “health problems of women and girls” and will attend a meeting the next day about giving “hard-working women” benefits in order to “improve their lives and lives of their families” (Clinton para. 7). This reveals that women having rights is a priority and that Clinton is doing whatever she can to make women’s rights a part of basic human rights. That evidence also shows that women’s rights are getting some attention and must continue to be successful. Also, she lists off the places she’s visited like “Indonesia” to “discuss nutrition and family planning” and “Denmark” to give women “comfort” that their “children [are] in safe and nurturing after-school centers” (Clinton para. 10). The list of places she’s traveled to shows how women’s rights is a global issue and the awareness must grow as they’re making efforts to help women in various countries. Hilary Clinton also mentions this so that she can “learn more” (para. 9) about the obstacles women face so there can be progress for women’s rights and no longer be “excluded” (para. 18). This sense of ethos and pathos is reached to the audience as they applaud her, meaning that Clinton successfully used her descriptions of women receiving help in multiple countries in …show more content…
Around the end of her speech Clinton says, “It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, drowned, or suffocated” just because “they [were] born girls” (para. 19). This represents strong pathos to the audience, making them realize how women’s rights aren’t even considered as human rights at such a young age. Clinton makes the connection that their rights are human rights regardless of gender and age by saying explicit, detailed facts. Another fact Clinton brings up is that “It is a violation of human rights when women are doused with gasoline, set on fire, and burned to death” just because “their marriage dowries [were] too small”. This fact has strong ethical and emotional appeals, making Clinton’s argument even stronger. After each of these statements are made, Clinton receives applause showing that the audience supports her fully and want to make a change so women will not be faced with these acts of violence. Also, Clinton is speaking loudly on these issues because they’re often hidden and must be heard aloud and embrace that women’s rights must be solved or else these “deeply-rooted problems” will ultimately “diminish” (Clinton para. 23) world

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