Lai Guigemar And The Erotics Of Tight Dress By Marie De France

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The objectification of the female body is commonly done by men, who see women as something that is of use or owned by them. Although, this usually has negative implications Marie de France’s lai Guigemar objectifies the female body as a tool to expose the negative aspects of society. By objectifying the female characters her message is more easily understood and even satirizes, the patriarchal society. Marie explores the problems women face in society and how they are so much more than the box they are placed in. During the time that the lai was written, there was a drastic change in courtly women’s attire, as tighter more revealing clothing became in favor over more modest clothing. This is documented in the article “Estreitement Bende: Marie de France’s Guigemar and the Erotics of Tight Dress,” by Nicole Smith, where she explores how Marie uses dress to enforce controlled sexuality. In the article Smith explains that “garments that were once expansive and flowing came to be tightly fitted across the body with belts, knots, and laces” (96). This dress style “became the emblematic of a fashion-savvy noblewoman in the art and literature of the high Middle Ages” (Smith 96). This came into conflict with the church as “Medieval clerics interpreted tight dress as arousing lust in men and conveying wantonness of fashionable women” (Smith 98). Yet, this is the opposite of what happens in Guigemar. The love tokens given to each lover, a knotted shirt and tightened belt, emphasize how “meritoriously disciplined sexuality” (Smith 97). The choice of those specific love tokens reinforces how the tightness of the clothing does not lead to sin because the tokens are “familiar Christian religious symbols” (Smith 97). Marie reduces the female character to her clothing in order to address how a woman’s character is not defined by their clothing alone. The tightness of the clothing is defended by how Marie uses it. The first instance of tight dress is seen after Guigemar is wounded by his own arrow “Making the shirt into a bandage, / he bound his wound tightly” (Guigemar lines 139-140). The next occurs when the woman heals Guigemar’s wound “they wiped the blood from his wound / Then they bound it tightly” (Guigemar 373-374). A final mention of tightness occurs when they part and the woman wore a belt “tightened about her flanks” (Guigemar 572). Instead of viewing tight clothing as untamed sexual desire it is transformed into “an illustration of positive, faithful sexuality” (Smith 98). The tight clothing represents the lovers’ faithfulness to one another and their retainment of desire towards others. The clothing is also used to create a “lesson of male socialization by using fitted garments to precipitate Guigemar’s tutelage in the virtuous arts of love” (Smith 105). By reducing the woman to her clothing Maire shows that women are not simply sexual objects and can instead dress how they please and still express virtuous character. The idea of religious institutions controlling the female body continues in the text. The tower the woman is held in has one entrance, a chapel. The only man guarding the chapel area is “An old priest, hoary with age, / kept the gate key; / he’d lost his nether member” (Guigemar 255-257). In Benjamin Semple’s article “The Male Psyche and the Female Sacred Body in Marie de France and Christine de Pizan,” highlights this notion. Semple’s argues that “Everything about the environment of the Lady suggests an attempt to control female sexuality and to imprison the female body, all of this, significantly, through the presence of religion” …show more content…
In the article “The Hind Episode in Marie de France’s Guigemar and Medieval Vernacular Poetics,” by Ashley Lee, she argues that the hind is representative of Marie de France herself. The hind is described as “a hind with a fawn; / a completely white beast, / with deer antlers on her head” (Guigemar 90-92). Although the hind is identified as female, and has offspring, it still has the male attribute of antlers. Lee argues that:
When we consider how white animals…frequently figure in medieval portraits of women as adjunct symbols of female virtue, purity, nobility, and innocence, it is not so difficult to see how the white hind can here as an extension of (or substitute for) the female body.

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