Lack Of Minorities In The Work Force

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Behavior Problem: In this study , I will be discussing the idea of the lack of minorities in the business work force. Today , the state of diversity in the business world is minimal. A business that will embrace a more fluid demographic group will most likely benefit more economically. Minorities hold only 1/3 of the work force, which is not proportional to its population size. However, the more shocking number is the lack of diversity in Fortune 500 corporations. In Fortune 500 companies, only 4.2 percent of the CEO’s are of color and 18 percent of the employers are colored. Though the business world has became more progressive, the absence of minorities in the work force including women serves as problematic.
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Some complain that there is a unconscious bias in the work force against people who aren’t white male. This idea makes it harder for minorities and women to make it to the top. Even though diversity is shown to be good for business, leaders are seen hesitant to work with people with different views then them. In addition, some companies haven’t figured out how to reach out to the minority’s community to effectively recruit , cultivate and retain the top minority talent. Some of the top theories out there of the lack of minorities in the business force deal with the Glass Ceiling idea. There are two societal barriers that deal with minorities. The first is the “ supple behavior”. The supple behavior refers to the lack of qualified people from the minority races because of the inequalities in the educational system. The corporations search for top students from the top school in which the minority students are absent from. The excellent schools offer internships, opportunities, and scholarships that lead to jobs in the future. The “ difference barrier” is the idea that refers …show more content…
According to , women and men of minorities if hired, receive 79 percent less pay than white counterparts. Also, the retention right for minorities if hired is far less than the retention rate of the white counterpart. Minorities that hold the same degree and same job category will receive less money and fired first. According to the Huffington post article , Many companies usually hire minorities and women in times of trouble or poor performance. After the company recovers, the minority is replaced by a white man- described as a “ savior effect”. According to the Bloomberg article, even though Apple, Google, Interest , and drop box traveled to Howard ( Historically black University), hardly any of the black students have benefited. Facebook, Drop box, and Interest hadn’t yet hired any graduating seniors for a full-time position. In 2015, Google hired just

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