The reason why the gram stain had to be performed is to make sure that there are no mixed bacterium on the unknown. Because if there was a mixed bacterium it will be harder to distinguish on what kind of bacterium it was and also it will give an inaccurate readings. The slant was opaque colored throughout the surface. After performing the gram stain technique and looking at it under the microscope, it showed that it had several of bacillus rods that some were linked together. The rods were pink colored which would indicate that the unknown was a more likely to be a gram …show more content…
This was an essential test because most of the bacteria are motile, but there are only a few bacteria who are not motile. In order to test the motility of the bacteria, a wet-mount slide, motility agar deep w/TTC and motility agar culture w/ TTC were the stuff that is needed to test the motility. On the wet-mount slide its quite difficult to see the motility of the bacteria for it will only last a couple of minutes. On the other hand, the culture provided a clearer result of the motility test. To do the culture, used a needle and stab a straight line. After finishing the cultural and the morphological characteristic of the bacteria, it 's time to test the bacteria 's physiological characteristic. Physiological characteristic of the bacteria is the determining factor of the bacteria itself. This test will not only narrow down the unknown, but it will also confirmed the unknown bacteria. The first thing to do in the physiological