Africa had been a source of resources for centuries before King Leopold II in the way of slavery. Africa had also been a sight of exploration, however these explorations often failed due to the unique terrain of Africa and the disease that live there. Yet, In the Book King Leopold’s Ghost, Adam Hochschild tells of how King Leopold II looked to the Congo as his source of increasing power. Exploration and colonization had been huge ventures the past few centuries leading up to Leopold’s life and when it came his time to take the throne he was not pleased with the small country he was given. The want for power that fled through the world at this time drove Leopold to seek control …show more content…
As the industrial revolution began in the United States as well as Europe in the late 1800’s countries looked to where they could sell their goods, nowhere proved better than a newly unified colony. Though free trade was not what Leopold was after in the Congo, this is surely what he made others believe. “Even as he placated European and American questioners by insisting that he was opening Africa to free trade. ” Another reason world leaders endorsed Leopold going into Congo is his was his seemingly good nature and philanthropy. With slavery being abolished in the United States as well as many other places around the world, nowhere was better to stop slavery that striking the source of the majority of the slaves, Africa. Leopold embraced this and deemed it his way to conquer Congo “Curbing slave trade, moral uplift, and the advancement of science were the aims her would talk about, not profit .” As one could see if it were not for his talk of economic benefit and acts of philanthropy there is a good chance Leopold would have never been allowed to take over the