In fact they drank more of the alcohol then most civilians. According to "The American Govt., Washington, DC, 1923", The Prohibiton Unit o fthe Bereau of Intenal Revenue, consited of about 3,000 to 3,500 men, which were stationed all over the country. The stories abou this "enforcement" was more absorbing than detective tales. One story highly known, would be about how one moonshine still operated successfully operated for months in a house, adjacentto a police station. The moonshiners had cut a hole through the wall, so that the smoke and fumes could escape throguh the cimney. Knowing that this was happening, Americans started to lose respect for their enforcement. proving that Prohibition was turning into a joke, and …show more content…
After alcohol was sworn illegal, the economy started to decline because people couldn't buy it anymore. "Before prosperity can return in this country the budgets of local and national governments must be balanced. If the liquor store now sold by bootleggers was legally sold, regualted, and taxed, the tax income would pay the intrest on the entire local and national debt and leave more than $200,000,000 for...urgent purposes. So really what we needed to do was legalize alcohol, but put a taxation on it. We couldn't tax it when it was illegal because, well... it was illegal. This could have helped solve our economic crisis that was going on at the time. America wanted to change their minds becaue, we were losing more than we were getting, and taxation could prove valuble to the government