Jovan Belchers And Suicide Essay

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“Suicide has surged to the highest levels in nearly 30 years” according to Sabrina Tavernise. Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. More than 34,000 people die from suicide each year. More than 34,000 people have attempted suicide each year. We can only imagine what this does to family and friends of a suicide attempter and especially a death caused by suicide. Suicide is like the dresden after a bombing.

Suicide in the United States

Suicide cost the United States $44 Billion dollars annually. On average, there are 117 suicides every day. For every suicide, 25 people attempt. Firearms account for 50% of all suicides. Suffocation accounts for 26% of suicides and poison for 15% of suicides. Men die by suicide more often than women. The rate of suicide is highest in middle age-white men in particular. For ages 45 to 60 has increased since 2000. Most white Americans have a higher rate in suicide. More people commit suicide in New York City than are murdered. 1 in 25 teenagers have attempted suicide. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for 24-35 year olds. Females in the United States are more likely than males to have suicidal thoughts. Poisoning is the most common method of suicide for females. Firearms are the most common used method of suicide among males. Suicide is the 7th leading cause of death for males and 14th leading cause of death for females in the United States of America. Suicide in Our State Suicide cost our state of Arkansas a total of $540,251,000 of combined lifetime medical work and loss. On average one person dies by suicide every 17 hours in Arkansas. Over twice as many people die in Arkansas annually than a homicide. Men make up over 81% of suicide in Arkansas. Men commit suicide at a rate almost 5 times higher than women. Firearms are the most commonly used method to commit suicide. Arkansas’s age adjusted rate is 17.25 years of age. Risk Factors for Suicide in Arkansas •Previous suicide attempts. •History of depression or other mental illness. •Alcohol or drug abuse. •Family history of suicide or violence. •Physical illness. •Feeling alone. Suicide in our state of Arkansas is getting to be very horrific because people are taking their own lives for instance, here is a tragic story of an elderly man. In Little River County, Arkansas Sheriff's Office says an elderly man shot and killed his wife before turning the gun himself. The shooting happened on a tuesday afternoon off Highway 32 in Ashdown. Authorities discovered the bodies of 75-year-old James Judd and 73-year-old Barbara Judd inside their home. The Little River County Sheriff says a 911 call was made from the house was from Judd saying where their bodies could be found and a note was posted on the door. Suicide is an harrowing, shocking, tragic event, that leaves people
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The suicide of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher is especially tragic due to it’s brutal circumstances because it is a HORRIFIC story. After murdering the mother of his child, Belcher put the gun on himself. Belchers’s final moments were standing in front of Chiefs’ General Manager and Coach. It reported that his final words were “Guys, I have to do this. I got to go. I can’t be here”.

Evidence Unheard

•The founder of Victoria’s Secret, Roy Raymond, committed suicide by leaping off the Golden Gate Bridge in 1993.

•When Ashton Kutcher was 13 years old, he contemplated committing suicide in order to give his heart to his dying brother.

What types of suicides are there?

•There are 4 types of suicide that Durkheim created.

•Egoistic which occurs when the degree of social integration is low.

•Altruistic which occurs when the degree of social integration is too high.

•Anomic this kind of suicide is related to too low of a degree of regulation.

•Fatalistic is when people commit suicide when their lives are kept under tight regulation.

Who does suicide affect?

•Suicide leaves your loved ones crushed.

•Some people mostly affects partners, sons and daughters, siblings, grandparents, extended family, friends, and

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