It is from this time until early in the twentieth century that sexologists took action to prove wrong the idea of seeing sexuality as something “repressive and restrictive doctrines” (7), then it was seen “by the radicals and the reformers of the time as liberating” (7); his era, “dating from 1890 to 1980 is described as the ‘sexological period’” (7). Also, sexologists of this movement conducted multiples process that allowed them to support their point of view. Within the methods applied we find “clinical interview and life history up to the 1930s, survey questionnaires and field studies of the 1940s to 1960s, laboratory observation and experimentation, in the 1960s and 1970s and ethnographic approaches in the 1970s” (qtd. in Harding 7). It is good to point out that justas many other investigations, the scientists of this tendency faced multiple challenges, and we could say that the complexity of the topic itself, made it even more difficult to
It is from this time until early in the twentieth century that sexologists took action to prove wrong the idea of seeing sexuality as something “repressive and restrictive doctrines” (7), then it was seen “by the radicals and the reformers of the time as liberating” (7); his era, “dating from 1890 to 1980 is described as the ‘sexological period’” (7). Also, sexologists of this movement conducted multiples process that allowed them to support their point of view. Within the methods applied we find “clinical interview and life history up to the 1930s, survey questionnaires and field studies of the 1940s to 1960s, laboratory observation and experimentation, in the 1960s and 1970s and ethnographic approaches in the 1970s” (qtd. in Harding 7). It is good to point out that justas many other investigations, the scientists of this tendency faced multiple challenges, and we could say that the complexity of the topic itself, made it even more difficult to