Is Killing Justified Research Paper

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If your best friend asked you to end their life, would you do it? What if they were already dying? Bleeding out, cursed with a deadly disease, or just completely insane, and already causing so much harm to themselves and the people around them? See how the situation and circumstances change so easily? It’s hard to make that kind of decision, and no matter how much the situation changes, it doesn't really make it any easier. But your own morals, the morals of others and the rules of society determine whether murder is justifiable in any condition. Killing can be a justifiable act, in the case of euthanasia, as well as assisted suicide, and of course, in the case of George and Lennie’s situation.

Under the circumstances of euthanasia,
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As the Los Angeles Times said in Aid-in-Dying Law Has Many Doctors Uneasy “The law is intended to help terminally ill patients avoid suffering.” Meaning the law for assisted suicide. As you can tell both euthanasia and assisted suicide both have the same reasoning behind its act. If you end up getting a severe injury, or a terminal illness, you’ll probably never be ever able to live the same way again. With hospitals visits, doctor's bills, surgery, physical therapy, on top of possibly being elderly has to take its pound of flesh. This law eliminates that factor for most people. To give you a bit of statistics from John C. Goodman in California's New Law Advances the Right to Die with Dignity, “Nearly 70 percent of all deaths in the United States occur in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice facilities.” 70 percent. That means that 70 percent of people dying in the United States are hooked up to all these tubes and machines, bleeding out, or just simply constantly in pain before they die. Not everyone has the luxury of knowing they’ll just be put to sleep, quickly and painlessly, but that’s what this law would allow. To relieve the sick and dying people of the pain and stress that is their everyday

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