Argumentative Essay On Death With Dignity

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Sometimes when life and suffering become unbearable, death offers a welcome escape. When it is a question between seeking expensive long term treatment or ending one’s suffering altogether, assisted suicide, Death with Dignity, gives someone a choice whether or not to end their life. Death with Dignity refers to a person’s legal right to end one’s life. This “solution” to pain and suffering is often frowned upon for various reasons in many religions and by specific individuals such as doctors, nurses, and family members. Despite these objections, death with dignity should be legal throughout the United States because it gives people a chance to decide what is best for themselves, it costs a lot less money than a long-term treatment, and it ends their suffering. Though it may be against religious beliefs and individual wishes, a person should be in complete control of their own life. For many people, …show more content…
It adds insult to injury by dismissing all that I have already endured; the failed attempts for a cure, the progressive decline of my physical state and the anguish which has involved exhaustive reflection and contemplation leading me to this very personal and intimate decision about my own life and how I would like it to end. (“A Debate on” par. …show more content…
There are a few valid points on disagreeing with assisted suicide such as the sanctity of life and receiving high-quality palliative care that make the topic argumentative. Death with Dignity should be legalized in more states to help those who are suffering, those who can no longer go on with the terminal illness they are fighting, and to end their long lasting hospital bills. Many patients who seek this should not have to change residences, especially since it causes more out-of-pocket

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