Jack Kevorkian was a Pathologist who lived in Michigan where assisted suicide was not legal. The fact that it was not legal did not stop him from assisting those in need. This assistance he and others provided these patients caused much controversy with those who believed …show more content…
This statement is an assumption and an opinion. Kevorkian was extremely intelligent and studied pathology. Pathology is a branch of medical science that focuses on the cause, origin and nature of diseases. Kevorkian would examine tissues, organs, bodily fluids and perform autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease. The author of CHANGE stated that “Kevorkian defended himself by saying he did mental exams on his patients before killing them.” (change …show more content…
According to an article, “Assisted suicide in the United States” patients had many concerns and had faced several struggles when they began looking for assistance with life ending prescriptions. These concerns ranged from guilt of the burden they placed on others, financial stresses from treatments, loss of control of their bodily functions, and lack of engagement in activities that make their lives enjoyable. “Over 90% of these patients reported loss of autonomy, almost 32% of these same patients said the pain control was inadequate. there are many times that the pain medication simply does not help” (Assisted Suicide in the United States 1). The suffering is avoidable and they should be allowed to have the right to end it. Many terminally ill patients hope that their deaths be peaceful and with as much consolation as possible. Ronald Dworkin, author of Life’s Dominion, says that “many people want to save their relatives the expense of keeping them pointlessly alive…” (Dworkin 193). Terminally ill patients want to be able to keep their families and loved ones from any more suffering after their deaths due to countless and piling medical bills that they are now responsible for. This does not help these sick patients achieve any peace in these late stages of death. It adds guilt, stress and worry to their already devastating days. Although death by assisted suicide is