A Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe is bursting with irony. Poe includes both verbal and dramatic irony, which is developed to grasp the audience’s attention. The names of the characters contain irony too. For example, Fortunato’s name means the “fortunate one” however, unless being left in a catacomb to die is something to be fortunate about, he is not. Montresor uses verbal irony while luring his “friend” Fortunato into the catacombs using his vanity of wine. Additionally, Fortunato dressed in motley is ironic, due to the fact that Montresor views him as one. Poe uses verbal irony, such as “the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough.” stated Fortunato. In addition, Montresor offers …show more content…
The setting displays irony, because it is made as a game. The antagonist, Zaroff sets a trap, which is a lighthouse to coerce men to come to the island and hunt them. The characters in this short story are ironic as well. A Russian general, Zaroff appears to be sophisticated and civilized, however, in reality he is murderer, due to the fact that he hunts men, which makes him barbarous. He lost his interest in hunting animals, because he was bored of them. Which is why he decided to hunt men, because they are difficult like a chess game. Men have instincts and reasons. Another example of irony is when Rainsford talks about hunting as the best sport, and Whitney agrees, but says that it is only for the hunter, not a jaguar. Rainsford responded, “Who cares how a jaguar feels?” Additionally, he explained that he didn’t have to worry, because out of the two classes there are: the hunters and the hunted. Although Rainsford is a hunter, after refusing to hunt with Zaroff, he becomes the hunted. This puts him in a position he never thought he would be at. As the story comes to a conclusion, he now feels guilty for showing no sympathy for his prey, but now understands how they feel after being the …show more content…
The title of the story is ironic, due to the fact that there is no “Happily Ever After” at the end of the story, which is what readers would assume based off most stories that begin with the phrase “Once Upon a Time”. Gordimer has a misleading falling action by using language of a fairy tale from a book the little boy received from Christmas. It states, “He pretended to be the Prince who braves the terrible thicket of thorns to enter the palace and kiss the Sleeping Beauty back to life.” The reader predicts that there will be a happy ending. However, the ending actually ends with the little boy bleeding to death, caused by the coils that the family obtained to maintain security and prevent damage. The family’s paranoia for security was detrimental. They ruined a happy life, because they were distracted by security. This is ironic, because one would think that adding more security would make one feel safe. However, in this short story that statement is false. Too much security can be harmful. In fact, this family caused their own destruction, and now lost their son. Gordimer tells the main idea by using situational irony to shock the reader and keep their attention by allowing the