Invisible Man Ethos Pathos Logos

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In the beginning of the novel, the unnamed protagonist, a young black man graduating high school addresses his graduating class with a speech. Instead of saying “ social responsibility”, he accidentally says “ social equality” and is immediately asked for clarification from his white audience who are shocked about the comment. On page 31 the the narrator recalls “the laughter hung smokelike in the sudden stillness” and the men asked if he was being “smart”. The narrator later apologizes for the misunderstanding and is rewarded with a briefcase and scholarship to the state college, showing how by not revealing his true opinion, he appeals to the people around him. Once the narrator is in college,he gets a job driving around Mr. Norton, one for …show more content…
In addition, losing his job at the plant was his last tie to the college and is no longer affiliated with them. After he has undergone the procedure it is similar to the birth of a newborn and he claims on page 238 “all his limbs seemed amputated” and his “eye were swimming in tears” as well as the fact he is first unable to understand basic speech. The narrator also notes that he feels utterly alone, most likely because he has no friends or family by his side, symbolizing how he should be responsible for his own identity and his new self. The invisible man has amnesia and is able to be whoever he wants to be. Yet, because he is black, it is clear his culture will still be very important to him and his identity later on in the book like how the doctors rely on stereotypes to help him recall his memory. For example, they use African American folklore to help him regain his memory by asking him “who was the buckeye rabbit” and “who was the brer rabbit” (page 239-242).The narrator takes the veteran’s advice who he met on the train that it’s time he should be his own father and to be more free. By not being afraid of his superiors like Mr. Norton anymore, it shows he is no longer devoted to the college and feels not afraid anymore of who he is once he leaves the hospital. Later on in the book, it is apparent he no longer has to hide who he is and his beliefs (like he did while giving his high school graduating speech) once he joins the Brotherhood, an organization fighting for those who have been socially oppressed. His membership allows him to use his new identity in order to be visible within

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