Into The Wild Chapter 13 Analysis

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n isolating himself from those around him. After graduation he takes off and fails to speak to his parents, or even his sister he was so close with. As months, even years pass, they all continue to worry and can’t do a thing about it. Carine swears one night she heard his voice calling “Mom! Help me!”
Chapter 13 In Chapter 13 of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the author interviews Chris McCandless’s younger sister, Carine. She is compared to McCandless several times throughout this chapter. Krakauer writes when describing Carine, “Also like Chris, she clashed fiercely with Walt and Billie..the differences between the siblings were greater than their similarities” (Page 129).Carine cannot imagine herself going out into the wild like her brother did. Although she shares many values with Chris, she has no objection to wealth whatsoever. She drives a nice car and has a nice home, even plans to make her first million at a very young age with her husband, Chris Fish. Fish is the one to break the news to Carine about her brother. Carine screams from the pain she feels inside and almost can’t bear the thought of her brother really being dead.Shortly after, they traveled to Alaska to bring home his ashes. They were also handed Chris’s rifle, a pair of binoculars, the fishing rod Ronald Franz had given to him, one of the Swiss Army knives he’s received from Jan Burres, a camera and 5 rolls of film. Billie and Carine began to have trouble eating and lost weight, while Walt gained weight. Carine is unable to get through the day without crying and Billie weeps at the thoughts that she outlives her child. No one is able to understand why Chris felt the need to take the risks he did. Chapter 14 In Chapter 14 of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the author now talks about his own experience of going “into the wild” and sympathizes with McCandless for his reasonings to go on this bizarre journey. Krakauer had his own experiences in Alaska as the stubborn young man McCandless was. He comes to the conclusion that this wasn’t a suicide, but an accident. McCandless’s journal entries don’t show any reasoning why he may have wanted to end his life. At the age of 23, Krakauer decides to climb a mountain called Devil's Thumb, on Alaska’s Stikine Ice Cap. This mountain has never been climbed reaching 6,000 feet from the glacier at its base and Krakauer decides to climb it alone. After reaching Alaska on a fishing boat, he meets a woman named Kai Sanburn who he finds himself getting surprisingly attached to. He spends the night at her home and sets out to the Devil’s Thumb the following day. During the first two days, Krakauer covers a lot of ground. On the third he almost falls into a glacier crevasse due to the high winds and stinging snow and settles on a plateau. Krakauer had planned to have six cardboard cartons of supplies to be dropped from an airplane when he reached the foot of The Thumb.
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He is accompanied by three companions, Alaskans Roman Dial and Dan Solie, and Andrew Liske, all experienced outdoorsmen. Krakauer has a map with him, leading him to a gauging station built by U.S. Geological Survey. With slight difficulty, Krakauer makes it across the river. He begins to wonder why McCandless was so quick to give up on crossing and why didn’t attempt in August when the water wouldn’t have been as strong. After a long walk, Krakauer and his friends reach the abandoned bus where McCandless starved to death. Krakauer is astonished to see so many of McCandless’s belongings including a bag of feathers, most likely used to insulate, the machete Ronald Frenz gave him, books, a stove, along with some clothes and boots. Questions form among Krakauer and his friends on whether McCandless was just stupid and made too many mistakes, or he had every reasoning to feel the need to live off the land. At the end of the day, Krakauer believes McCandless had his own reasoning to do what he did. He writes, “He demanded much of himself..more in the end than he can ever deliver” (Page

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