Chris Mccandless And Personality In Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

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It is important to live life doing what one loves. In the nonfiction book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the main character Chris McCandless leaves home to accomplish his dream of living off the land in Alaska on his own away from society. The main character in this story has been called both a hero and a fool and it is still a controversy today. This topic has sparked a lot of debate among the readers of the novel. The purpose of this novel is to reveal all of the significant events that happened throughout Chris McCandless’s journey to Alaska. On McCandless’s journey, he comes into contact with a few unique individuals, but in that small time he connects and reaches all of them in a very passionate way because of his natural communication …show more content…
Chris was raised in a somewhat privileged household, his parents were very smart people who worked all the time. For the most part, whatever Chris wanted he usually got it, although he did not get a lot of attention from his parents and got into fights with them from time to time. McCandless eventually got tired of his life, with his parents fighting, his father’s obsession for Chris to become the man in his father 's eyes rather than the man Chris wants to be. This is how his story begins on his adventure to Alaska. McCandless embarked into this journey only dependent on himself with nobody else in the picture. It was just him and the wild. Krakauer uses testimonies in his portrayal of Chris McCandless 's journey. “Franz relished being with McCandless, but their burgeoning friendship also reminded him how lonely he’d been” (Krakauer 55). This quote shows how Chris affected the people around him in a positive way even though he never really opens up to people or stays in one place for a long period of …show more content…
Towards the beginning of the book, we learn about a man named Gallien who told us about Chris and how “he wasn’t carrying anywhere near as much food and gear as you’d expect a gut to be carrying for that kind of trip” (Krakauer 3). As you can see, McCandless was being foolish and didn’t bring what was needed to set off on his trip. McCandless himself said “that the only food in his pack was a ten-pound bag of rice” (Krakauer 5). McCandless was not ready for what he was getting himself into. He rushed into his decision to leave home with no thought for how his family might feel. McCandless was not a survival expert. He was an ordinary man who out of the blue decided to take a life risking journey into the Alaskan wilderness. “Most people who make it to Alaska never get past the cities of Fairbanks and Anchorage because access is so difficult and expensive, travel is so hard, the terrain is challenging, the bears are real, and so on” (Christian). Many could argue that McCandless was inconsiderate, but I think that he did what he wanted and had a reason for doing what he

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