Intimate partner violence is one of the compositions of gender-based violence directed majorly at women because of their perceived subordinate status in the society (Heise, Ellsberg & Goettemoller, 1999;Kishor & Bradley, 2012). IPV can take a variety of forms including psychological abuse, such as constant belittling, humiliation and intimidation, physical assault such as kicks, hits, slaps, and beatings; and coercive sex. Most times, it includes having mastery of behaviours such as monitoring a woman's …show more content…
Studies worldwide that certain events are consistent “triggers” of IPV. These include not obeying husband, refusing to have sex when the husband wants it, questioning him about girlfriend/mistress or expressing suspicion of infidelity, talking back at husband, not taking care of children or home, issues about money, food not being ready on time or going out without husband’s permission (Bradley, 1985; Schuler et al.,1996; Hindin et al.,