Interactions With Native Americans By Helen Rountree

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Helen C. Rountree’s book displays the interactions between Native Americans and English settlers from a never-before-seen perspective. Contrary to the Europeanized works published over the years that favor the Europeans and excludes the Native Americans, Rountree chooses to take a different road that is seldom traversed. Instead of using the mundane dialogue that is taught throughout grade school she has come from the Native Americans’ point-of-view. In doing this, use of the Native’s language is seen throughout the book, alongside Native’s take on the Europeans. Helen Rountree calls attention to the fact that a great majority of mainstream sources involving natives and Englishmen's relationship were extremely biased and non-inclusive of the Natives in their writings. …show more content…
This has created a historical roadblock in the sense that in the course of a few years their stories could be severely distorted due to the fact that history is passed on by way of person-to-person instead of writing down events. Important details could be omitted completely leaving holes in the overall history, or the story could be fabricated to seem more enjoyable or believable to its audience. To compensate for these plot holes, Helen Rountree consults with experts and tribes to try and paint the entire picture as accurately as possible and she succeeds in her mission. Single-handedly dispelling the myth that Pocahontas was of-age during the time that John Smith and John Rolfe took interest in

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