Insecurity In Macbeth

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The characters in Macbeth all possess their own unique attributes that are easily detected within their demeanor. Macbeth has an alternative side to him that is not exposed to the other characters. He keeps hidden and his selfishness is only identifiable when he lets it slip out. His vicious attitude and lack of confidence are introduced to the audience, but never to other characters. The audience is privy to Macbeth’s true self through his soliloquies; when he becomes greedy, violent, and as he reveals his insecurities. First of all, Macbeth is driven to become king and shows both envy and greed to the audience. Banquo and Macbeth are given prophecies by the three witches. While Banquo is content with the predictions he receives, Macbeth …show more content…
Macbeth is reluctant to murder the king because he is not only aware of how morally compromising it would be, but he is also afraid of the consequences. He worries about the “even-handed justice” that he will receive for the crime committed (1.7.10). Macbeth displays more concern about his reputation than being crowned monarch. He doubts himself and his ability to cleanly execute the plan not because of inexperience, but because his moral code distracts him from his accumulating greed. In the same way he previously displays weakness, Macbeth’s lack of confidence factors in his hesitant thoughts of murder. He already feels responsible for Duncan’s death, and the guilt prevents him from continuing his plan. Macbeth’s loyalty gives him no reason to kill Duncan, and he is unable to live with himself knowing that Duncan’s kingdom “will plead like angels” (1.7.19). Duncan’s intentions were never bad nor dishonest. Macbeth pities himself, not wanting others to think poorly of him. Macbeth’s uncertainty makes him look weak and the audience is able to detect his

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