Sometimes it is the people judging that person who are the crazy ones. Yossarian is continuously called crazy since he goes against his superiors and does not accept their corrupt rules like the other soldiers. This judgment is false because Yossarian ends up being the most sane of all of the men. In a crazy world the judgment of someone being crazy is often false because that person is probably the most sensible person in that society. Gross writes, "If everyone is crazy in a crazy situation in a crazy world interpreted by crazy intelligence the certain redefinitions are called for" (86-87). Yossarian is judged as crazy even though he is one of the only soldiers to truly have a grasp on …show more content…
His differences allow him to see just how dangerous his missions are as wells as the fact that his superiors are purely using him for their own gain. Yossarian’s response to the situation that he is in may be seen as crazy, but it is the sanest response he could have had. Telgen notes, "Despite the tremendous odds against the success of Yossarian's plan, Heller suggests it is not a crazy but a sane response to an insane situation over which Yossarian has no control” (99). Yossarian’s plan to escape seems completely unrealistic and insane but if he does not try to escape he will eventually be killed in war. Yossarian has a different response to his situation than his fellow soldiers, and though this gets him judged as crazy it eventually leads to his escape from the insane government that is trying to control his