Informative Essay: The Motivation Of The Holocaust

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The holocaust is one of those topics that is not easy to talk about. The killing of over 6 million Jews? That doesn’t sound like something that would be fun or exciting, does it? I mean think about it, nobody really wants to talk about the chaos that went on throughout those years or the punishment that many innocent people had to go through and the mass killing. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning “sacrifice by fire”. In 1945 two out of every three Jews had been killed. Most people ask “why did all the Germans want to kill the Jews by themselves?” They didn’t. You must realize that they didn’t just wake up and decide to go out and try to kill the entire Jewish race, there had to be some motivation. That’s what this paper is going to be about—that motivation. Rise of Nazi power. Adolf Hitler began to rise to power in 1919 when he joined the German Workers Party, a year later in 1920 it was renamed as the National Socialist German Workers Party, but most people just called it the Nazi Party. It was a political party that was formed after World War 1 and was …show more content…
They were usually fenced in with barbed wire or were surrounded by walls. They did not want people leaving or entering. All of them were eventually destroyed as the Jews were deported to death camps. In these ghettos, there were thousands of people confined in a very small area. The Warsaw Ghetto was the most famous ghetto holding nearly 400,000 Jews in a three and a half square mile area. This place normally had about 160,000 people living there on average. They did not get enough food and the Jews were made to survived on a single bowl of soup a day. “We were not given enough to eat. The children looked through the garbage for food. There was not enough water to drink.” - Eva Galler, Holocaust

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