‘Pre-Columbian’ means the time before the invasion and eventual conquering of the Americas by major European influences, mainly the Spanish in South America. The term generally refers specifically to the time just preceding the 1492 voyages of Christopher Columbus.
Q2a: The Emperor
The Emperor had the single highest status in the whole Aztec society, being the sole leader of the entire empire. Though the Emperor had leadership over all the city-states of the Aztec empire, they were rather ruled by local governments which ensured that each individual region was satisfied. The Emperor was required to make decisions on how the government worked and on how to function the empire in its entirety.
Q2b: The Pilli …show more content…
The Europeans actually introduced the indigenous people of the Americas to many new things and brought them up to speed in the modern world. Firstly, the Inca Empire was quite badly damaged from the Spanish Conquistador, Fernando Pizzaro. Him and many other of his fellow Spaniards proved to be catastrophic to their long-lasting culture. Their population suffered a quick, unexpected decline after coming in contact with the invading Europeans. This was mainly due to the introduction of new diseases (e.g. smallpox) that had originated on the continent of Eurasia. These people were susceptible to these diseases because the Europeans had developed antibodies of these diseases from their ancestors who had survived. When the Europeans came in contact with the indigenous Americans, the indigenous didn’t have these antibodies and, therefore, suffered great losses of life. It is estimated that parts of the Inca Empire suffered up to a 93% population decrease of their Pre-Columbian population by the year 1591. As a result of this, much of the Inca culture was destroyed and replaced with the new European traditions, including Christianity. Most indigenous people who survived these plagues were sent to work in the gold and silver mines for the Spaniards. Original architecture that had stood for over a century was destroyed by the Spanish, making way for new buildings and cities. A great deal of traditional artwork and craft was destroyed in the process. New art marking techniques were introduced to the central Andes region, including oil paintings on canvas. The spread of Christianity combined with the original Inca religion to make mixed artworks that incorporated themes from both. Many indigenous people were forcefully converted to Christianity, as this was also another motive for trying to seek