Importance Of Strike And Lock-Out

Great Essays
Labour Law, CIA - I
Aravind K


“Strike and lock-out are two powerful weapons in the hands of the workers and the employers. Strike signifies the suspension or stoppage of work by the worker while in case of lock-out the employer compels persons employed by him to accept his terms or conditions by shutting down or closing the place of business. Strike is recognized as an ordinary right of social importance to the working class to ventilate their grievances and thereby resolve industrial conflict.”
“Skillful use of these weapons, whether threatened or actual, may help one party to force the other to accept its demand or atleast to concede something to them. But reckless use of them results in the risk of unnecessary stoppage of work hurting both parties badly creating worse tensions, frictions and violations of law and order. From the
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It is also known as ‘tools-down-strike’ or ‘pens-down-strike. It is the form of strike where the workmen report to their duties, occupy the premises but do not work. The employer is thus prevented from employing other labour to carry on his business. 3. Go-Slow.
In a ‘Go-Slow’ strike, the workmen do not stay away from work. They do come to their work and work also, but with a slow speed in order to lower down the production and thereby cause loss to the employer.
“Lock-Out” has been defined in section 2 (1) to mean the closing of a place of employment, or the suspension of work, or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him.
Strike is a weapon in the hands of the labour to force the management to accept their demands. Similarly, Lock-Out is a weapon in the hands of the management to coerce the labour to come down in their demands relating to the conditions of employment. Lock-Out is the keeping of labour away from works by an employer with a view to resist their claim.
There are four ingredients of

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