Stand Point In My Life

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A standpoint is person view of the world based on their experiences and knowledge of the world. A person knowledge of the world is created by their surroundings and those that are in power. But how does a person’s standpoint and social location have influence over their view of the world? I can’t speak for anyone else, I can only speak for myself.
To know my standpoint, you need to identity my social location. My social location consists of the following: African American, women, middle class, heterosexual, and Christian. Those aspects combined whether all of them or two, make up my standpoint which allows me to interpret what happens in my life. As a African American woman, I am aware of the obvious and subtle discrimination and opinions
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The media dictates what stories are told, who is beautiful, what is acceptable behavior in society and specially who is good and who is bad. When I was in elementary school, I watched a lot of television and read a lot of books. I also lived in a majority white neighborhood so, I didn’t see a lot of people that looked like me. The shows that my friends and I watched didn’t have me in them and the books that I read didn’t have anyone like me in them too. Because of that I started to notice how “different” I was and I noticed when people pointed it out to me. The main difference that I noticed at the time was my hair. Compared to my peers, my hair was darker, curlier, and thicker than theirs. And the media at the time painted it as unruly, hard to manage, and dirty depending on the style. One day after school, I asked my grandmother how come my hair wasn’t like everyone else. In my childhood, I was never made fun of because of my hair, but I was never told that my hair was okay. The media supported the concept that with my hair type you can do nothing with it and it is unruly which can equal unprofessional by the way it was depicted in commercials and television shows. And for a short time period I hated my hair. This is a common experience among African American women based on what the media has told

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