With that said, my matter of interest is the image some of our black women portray. I am not referring to them dressing in a skimpy manner, showing too much T & A. The trend that is most frustrating for me these days is fake eyelashes, fake hair and fake body parts. In conversations with other men, we have never been consumed with a woman’s eyelashes. It has actually been a bit of a turnoff because they are so gaudy. It’s too much! So then I ask myself, “Why are women wearing these fake eyelashes?” I believe it goes back to our society’s constant working on emasculation of men and asking the general public accept it. Rappers are wearing dresses, men are dressing in drag in movies, and men are trying and/or becoming women! Most of these cross dressing men have to go to great lengths to look woman-ish. Many go too far. That has been the increasing trend for so many men who are feminine. In all honesty, they often act more feminine than some women. With the rapid growing rate and comfort at which men are identifying as and ‘becoming’ women, the same still holds true. It seems to me that women are now not only competing with other women but they are also competing with men; and in an effort to do so they are taking fashion queues from these so called men. No! No man dressed like a woman is your competition. If any true man wants that man/imitation over a real woman, then Queen that isn’t a man you should want anyway. I was born in 1973 and I have two older sisters. Not to say that anything should be one set way, but when I was growing up it seemed like there were a few set rules with women of color. They didn’t wear fake eyelashes, except maybe for special occasions; bright red lipstick was a no-no, and …show more content…
Recently, though, the tables have turned. Fuller lips and bigger butts are the thing. Even still, sisters, it seems hard for many of you to embrace yourselves, be yourselves, and love yourselves. Is that what it comes down to, self-love? Is that what is missing? I know we are all suffering the long term effects of slavery, Jim Crow, and institutional and systemic racism. Is this lack of self-love one of those effects? I am not saying it is all of you. I see the naturals and I see the head wraps. But I also see the waist shapers, the blonde dyes and the weaves and …show more content…
You are exceptional enough to make the rules, not follow them. If there is anyone’s fashion trends you need not follow, it would be those set by your imitators. Real men don’t find those trends attractive. Actually, it confuses us! Trying to figure out real from fake, man from woman. Melinated people, may our energies someday soon re-align and our relationships slowly heal. Lord knows that our survival depends on