Nutrition is the main source for the body development where as mental development also, nutrition in other words can said as poor diet. Regular intake of food or proteins required for a body can. This may affect the person at any age, in US and where as other countries poor nutrition is major problem which affects a person such that he becomes unhealthy .The main cause of poor nutrition or malnutrition is due to lack of sufficient proteins required to a body. Children are the ones who are much affected by malnutrition. There are several problems caused by malnutrition which are seen highly in school children.
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Children should follow balanced diet such that they will be healthy and strong. According to a survey conducted by UK govt. intake of lots of vegetables, fruits, bread, beans, milk, eggs and meat should be taken by the people in order to avoid malnutrition. This type of balanced diet should be taken by every individual such that person may not be affected by malnutrition. Some schools started conducting program for the students and parents, where they are not allowed to bring chocolates, sweets and any other fatty containing products which are not good for health. According to one nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, “Ensuring children eat breakfast daily can also help to promote nutritional adequacy as children who consume breakfast to have higher intakes of micronutrient and fiber compared to breakfast skipper” (Rampersaud et al, 2005, page 172, para. 5). This means parents should always take care of their children such they don’t fall under malnutrition and providing them accurate diet with proteins and nutrients in it. According to one nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation “Consuming a healthy, balanced diet is essential for many aspects of child’s health. Dietary habits set early in life and continue into adult life” (Mikkil et al, 2005, page 172 , para. 6). This means balance diet is always important for school children. Many severe problems occur due to malnutrition mostly at schooling age which leads to diseases where students suffer a lot parents and schools should provide and take care of their students and make sure they get sufficient proteins and required