Many people have the advantage of having the knowledge of two different languages. This can be a benefit or a drawback at some point. Some people may argue that we slowly lose our cultural identity once you fully adapt a second language. As in Richard Rodrigues Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood he adapted English as his second language, eventually making it his primary language. Rodriguez used his second language on an everyday basis forcing him to forget his first language. Whereas, in Gloria’s Anzaldua book “How to Tame Wild Tongue” she knew the importance of her native language. Therefore, she kept her cultural upbringing. These are example of two different people adapting …show more content…
Rodrigues states “If I rehearse here the changes in my private life after my Americanization, it is finally to emphasize a public gain. The loss implies the gain”. Public identity can be defined as who an individual is outside their private life. Rodriguez lost his private identity to benefit the finding of his public identity. Therefore, losing the intimate language and intimacy he once had with his family. Losing some part of his cultural language did not out weight the benefits of finding a public identity to some extent. Rodriguez felt the importance of being part public success Gloria Anzaldua may have disagreed with that matter. On the other hand, Gloria Anzaldua knew the importance of staying connected to her cultural roots. Anzaldua was able to easily switch from one dialect to another according to whom she was associating with. Anzaldua states “Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity- I am my language.”. Azaldua’s identity to her cultural roots were far more precious than finding a public identity for the comfort of others. Gloria believe “One day the inner struggle will cease and a true integration take place”. In addition, Rodriguez felt the highlight of his life was when he was able to acquire his public …show more content…
Knowing when to use one another is a matter of the situation your in. It is very important for people to feel a part of the American culture. My family came to this country for the live the American dream. The American dream required for me to learn English to obtain an education and public identity. However, we have a choice to adapt a public identy, while still keeping your private identity with friends and family. Otherwise choosing to lose our private identity completely to obtain a public identity. Changes are needed to make the “Borderlands” sense more integrated. The integration may come once the American culture accepts the Mexican culture and its language. The school system gives parents an option to place their children under bilingual course or English