There are four factors that inquiry the reliability of the eyewitness testimony. They are the attributes of human perception, the conditions under which the observation happens, the particular character of the memorization and the memory peculiarities, and the character and the conditions under which the reproduction of the perceived information takes place. All these four conditions can with no uncertainty be known as the shortcomings of the process of the eyewitness testimony. The qualities of human perception suggest the physiological constraints of the people, any deformities of the perception organs and the orientation of the perception, vulnerability to various irritants, the psychological setting on impression of the individual and the comprehension of his own attitude towards the perceived facts. The conditions under which the perception happens underline the significance of the psychological condition of a persons at the moment of perception, the length and the environment of the procedure of observation, physical condition of perception, for example, distance, audibility, and any
There are four factors that inquiry the reliability of the eyewitness testimony. They are the attributes of human perception, the conditions under which the observation happens, the particular character of the memorization and the memory peculiarities, and the character and the conditions under which the reproduction of the perceived information takes place. All these four conditions can with no uncertainty be known as the shortcomings of the process of the eyewitness testimony. The qualities of human perception suggest the physiological constraints of the people, any deformities of the perception organs and the orientation of the perception, vulnerability to various irritants, the psychological setting on impression of the individual and the comprehension of his own attitude towards the perceived facts. The conditions under which the perception happens underline the significance of the psychological condition of a persons at the moment of perception, the length and the environment of the procedure of observation, physical condition of perception, for example, distance, audibility, and any