Plenty of individuals do not take relationships seriously or are unsatisfied in their relationship, so they resort to cheating on their spouse or significant other instead of working out issues maturely. It has become somewhat normal, or even expected, for someone to be unfaithful to their partner. A recent study done in September, 2016, showed that in 41% of marriages, one or both spouses admitted to infidelity emotionally or physically (Seth). It also is not uncommon for the person that was cheated on to become angry or vengeful, which can lead to big problems for the cheater down the road. This is a perfect example of immorality and consequences in today’s
Plenty of individuals do not take relationships seriously or are unsatisfied in their relationship, so they resort to cheating on their spouse or significant other instead of working out issues maturely. It has become somewhat normal, or even expected, for someone to be unfaithful to their partner. A recent study done in September, 2016, showed that in 41% of marriages, one or both spouses admitted to infidelity emotionally or physically (Seth). It also is not uncommon for the person that was cheated on to become angry or vengeful, which can lead to big problems for the cheater down the road. This is a perfect example of immorality and consequences in today’s