Image Of Love In Dorothy Parker's One Perfect Rose

Superior Essays
“One Perfect Rose” One single rose illustrates an image of love. The rose creates the feeling of warmth, support, and beauty. Dorothy Parker leads the reader to believe this romantic idea of love, until she shows she wants something more unique and spontaneous than a single rose with little to no meaning. Through archaic terminology, imagery, and symbolism, of the rose, Parker argues against the outdated view of love in society and literature. Dorothy Parker’s use of archaic terminology draws the reader to a feeling of old terms throughout the poem. The rose is a repeating word within the poem that defines one thing: love. Parker uses words like “flow’r” and “floweret” to express the rose. With this Shakespearean wording, Parker …show more content…
Socially it is accepted as a desired gift. With the line “one perfect rose,” in every stanza, the reader creates an idea that a rose is nice and filled with want from Parker. Although Parker agrees to this, she doesn’t want to be the same as everyone else. Socially its normal for a female to receive a rose, but to Parker she wants something more out of the box, like a limousine mentioned in the third stanza. The man sending the rose picks this flower because socially it carries the message of “I love you.” Parker sees this message loud and clear but disagrees that it has to be presented in such a fragile rose. In literature the rose resembles relationships, anniversaries, family, and love. Parker in a sense is making fun of this through her poem. “Ah no, it’s always my luck to get one perfect rose.” showing that although she envisions more than a rose, she will always receive one. It is sterotypical for a man to give a woman a rose throughout literature. With repeating one perfect rose its obvious that she knows its existing meaning but wants to reinsure the obvious. By this, Parker includes the line “one perfect limousine”; showing what she truly wants. In movies, plays, poems, and other shows, a rose is very sentimental but to Parker a limousine can be just as sentimental. Parker goes against both the social and

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