Hsc301 Unit 1 Assignment

Improved Essays
Univ 1001 - Unit 1 - Discussion Forum - Maurice (Rese) Lewis - S111276 - 11/13/2016

Hello classmates and Instructor,

My name is Maurice Lewis. I prefer to be called Rese.

I hope to complete a Bachelor degree in Computer Science.

I work full-time as a (Jr.) Oracle Database Administrator. Before a chronic condition resulted in a career hiatus I was working as a consulting Sr. Oracle Database Administrator specializing in PeopleSoft Human Resources and Financial applications.

Since I live in the world of Information Technology I adhere to the saying, "Save early. Save often." Backups are critical too.

My work schedule is from 7:00 PM AZT to 4:00 AM AZT, Sunday – Thursday. I find it is taking quite a toll.

If I am making good progress at
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Q: Has their mission changed in the past few decades?

A: I do not believe the core roles of higher education has changed. However, it concerns me that people with a great deal of money have begun to use their money and power to coerce higher education institutions to bend to the service of their agendas.

3. Q: Have student profiles changed?

A: Of course students, like the world around them, have changed. In 2010 Linda Bips wrote in the New York Times -

“Many students today lack resilience and are unable to summon strategies to cope.” and

“The number of students who arrive at college already medicated for unwanted emotions has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. “

(Bips, L. (October 11, 2010). Students Are Different Now. New York Times (online). Retrieved from
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Or is it? In some ways, education seems much the same as it has been for many years. A 14th century illustration by Laurentius de Voltolina depicts a university lecture in medieval Italy. The scene is easily recognizable because of its parallels to the modern day. The teacher lectures from a podium at the front of the room while the students sit in rows and listen. Some of the students have books open in front of them and appear to be following along.”

(No Auth (N.D. Copyright © 2016) How Has Technology Changed Education? Retrieved from http://online.purdue.edu/ldt/learning-design-technology/resources/how-has-technology-changed-education)

5. Q: If you were establishing your own university, what would be its mission and goals?

A: Please see all of the items in the list of roles from the first question. In addition, I would want to dedicate resources to improve education in all grades. I would provide events open to the public which would inspire people to learn. The public must understand the value, benefits, and advantages of education. I would also focus on public relations to end the demonization of education. The university should light a candle in the

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