How to Read Literature Like a Professor Summer Assignment How to Read Literature Like a Professor is, as explained in the title, a guide to better understanding literature, written by Thomas C. Foster, an English professor at the University of Michigan-Flint. Foster wrote this book so students and casual readers alike can enhance their reading experience. Each chapter gives an in-depth explanation of a specific element of literature. The first concept I used was quests in literature, and how it relates to The Odyssey by Homer, and the second concept I used was politics and how it relates to Animal Farm by George Orwell. Quests are common in literature, but a great example of one can be found in The Odyssey.…
In the text “ How to read literature like a professor” Five chapter help represent the story joy luck club. Chapter one tells that the main chapter quest/goal tells how it led up by telling important things about the characters . This applies to the joy luck club because, in the joy luck club, the first backstory talks about how the whole joy luck club started. During the sino japanese war and all the chaos it started, suyuan, jing mei late-mother, made the joy luck club to bring some joy during the devastated time. It tells that suyuan is a hardworking person and also have a competitive personality.…
Shivam 1 Shivam Gupta Professor Keith MacDonald Composition 1 20 October 2017 Read Like a Writer In Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer” he explains how one can become a better reader simply by trying to understand the article from the point of view of the writer, by analyzing every word, sentence or paragraph with one question in mind, "what effect did the writer intend to have with these words?". I believe it is important for us to have this skill because it gives us a better insight into what we are reading, it helps us understand on a deeper level exactly what the article is trying to tell us and in response, this teaches us better techniques and skills to become better writers. Using guidelines set by Bunn in his article, I will illustrate…
In Thomas C. Foster’s book How to Read Literature Like a Professor, he continues his analysis on sexuality in chapter seventeen. However, unlike the previous chapter, which discussed the presence of sex embodying itself in various forms, chapter seventeen indicates that definitive mentionings to sex in reality signify everything but the act itself. This is evident in the ways female writers such as Angela Carter employ sex as a way to undermine and reflect upon the precepts of a patriarchal world by “attempt[ing] to discover paths by which women can attain standing in the world that male-dominated society has largely denied them . . .” (107). This deliberate attempt is indicative of Grandpa’s sexual relationship with Grandma; as sex in their…
George Orwell’s novel, 1984, and Thomas C. Foster’s novel, How To Read Literature Like A Professor, have several comparisons. Winston Smith, thirty-nine year old worker for the Ministry of Truth, is stuck in a totalitarian environment that he strongly disagrees with. However it is wise for him to keep his feelings to himself because “Big Brother is always watching.” 1984 relates widely to chapter thirteen, It’s All Political , of How To Read Literature Like A Professor. 1984 is a novel with a deeper political meaning behind it.…
What connections could be made between The Hobbit and How to Read Literature like a Professor? Various archetypes discussed by Thomas C. Foster are portrayed in The Hobbit. Appling Thomas C. Foster’s rule of don’t read with your eyes, symbols and themes were found. A few stood out. Archetypes help with evaluating the story more clearly.…
Katy Van Zandt Mrs. Mary Smith AP Literature 20 September 2017 How to Read Literature Like a Professor: Analysis! In the book ‘How to Read Literature Like a Professor’, Thomas C. Foster uses examples of literary devices such as theme, symbols, and irony to give us the tools we need to succeed in analyzing literature on a deeper level. He also incorporates the importance of theme throughout the entire book, by addressing it in almost every chapter.…
The reader almost wants to feel sorry for them, which is one reason why this work is controversial. In this eye opening…
Chapter 22: He’s Blind for a Reason, You Know Main Idea: Foster claims in this chapter that blindness is never just a fact—it always has symbolic significance in a story. He furthers his claim by saying that most texts feature metaphorical representations of blindness and sight, even if the story doesn’t contain literal blindness. Two important things are that blindness can mean much more than just the physical act of seeing, and that usually a characteristic such as blindness, is important when introduced early in a story. Literary Example: Slaughterhouse Five Analysis: True sight is an important concept that is difficult to define for Slaughterhouse-Five. As an optometrist in Ilium, Billy has the professional duty of correcting the vision of his patients.…
Donald Murray meticulously developed and laid out ten writing habits he performs in order to hone in on his writing potential. After a self evaluation I came to the realization I possess similar to habits to those of Mr. Murray, but I also have my own. The habit of awareness and connecting seem to interconnect for me. The book How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster immediately came to mind. Foster discusses various interpretations of literature through quests, communion, themes, and of course symbols because “Everything is a symbol of something, it seems, until proven otherwise.”…
Wanex 5-2 The Downsides of Hate Reading Pamela Paul’s article “Why You Should Read Books You Hate” is an intriguing read that focuses on the importance of reading books that are unappealing to the specific reader. She thoroughly explains that pursuing novels with subjects that do not interest the reader makes them a more skeptical and scrupulous critic. In addition, she details the pleasure that reading brings to all as well as the magnitude of the time commitment that it requires in comparison to other activities that expose people to new content.…
Layers of Fiction Symbolism is represented by levels of pragmatic and figurative meaning. As an example, in “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Gilman incorporates the very wallpaper to represent this idea. The wallpaper displays more than just symbolism; it also shows the time period and theme of the story. These elements of fiction are also supported by the first person narration in helping the reader understand and analyze the text. This combination helps to show the relationships of the protagonist, overall setting, and theme of the story.…
The first chapter of the book How to Read Literature like a Professor, by Thomas C. Foster discusses the importance of recognizing the quest in every story. What comes to mind when reading the word quest would be a stereotypical medieval setting. This medieval setting would consist of five things, a quester, a place to go, a stated reason to go there, challenges and trials, and a deeper and more meaningful reason to go which is usually not clearly stated. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley meets all of the requirements of a “quest”, the quester being Victor Frankenstein. The place to go in the quest would be more of the pursuit of greater knowledge while the stated reason would be personal satisfaction gained by the protagonist in reaching the desired knowledge.…
Thomas C. Foster’s How To Read Literature Like A Professor is, as it says in the title, a guide on how to read literary works more professionally in order to better understand the concepts, themes, symbolism, and other aspects, like intertextuality better. Mr. Foster includes examples from many well known and praised works in order to give the reader a sense of what they should be looking for in order to contextualize a literary work. For example, Foster uses each chapter as sort of a guide. Each chapter explains a literary element via an example of said element along with how Foster believes it ties into literature and how it is used or should be used.…
Experiencing a piece of literature is like becoming a mind-reader. Books and other formats of literature offer readers a unique passage into the brain of the author, allowing them to see into the writer’s inner thoughts, feelings, fears, and hopes. Unfortunately, books are limited in length and unlike seeing the author’s complete raw thoughts, a lot is left up to the interpretation of the reader. The thoughts of the author displayed on paper are purposefully calculated and edited, leaving out major pieces of information, encouraging the reader to fill in the blanks by his or herself, and making the experience feel less like mind-reading, and more like a distinctive personal experience. The piece of literature becomes less about the author and more about the reader.…