These citizen seem to overlooks the significance from immigrants. These immigrants actually did not come to this country for that purpose. Instead, some of them, come to this country searching for a normal lives where they could never have in their country. According to an article “What We Know About Illegal Immigration From Mexico,” “amount Mexican unauthorized immigrant ages 16 and older who were employed in 2012, 19 percent worked in construction 13 percent worked in a wide range of business like legal service, landscaping and car washes”(Barrera). In other words, these immigrants work at a place where the United States citizens uninterested in, because they earn low pay rate then a regular jobs. With that being said, not undocumented immigrants are the same. Some of these immigrants did not cross the border into this country to search for a normal life. Instead, they crossing into the United States to do the illegal stuffs, such as distributing illegal drugs that they bring in illegally. For this reasons, the Texas state’s lawmakers come up with many bills, acts, and laws to get rid of these illegal immigrants from the states of Texas. According to an article, “Illegal Immigration: Drugs, Gangs, and Crime,” stated that, “kidnappings and murders of U.S. citizens. Members of al-Qaida, Hezbollah and other …show more content…
According to Association of International Educators, “Texas’s 64,277 foreign students contributed $1.5 billion to the state’s economy in tuition, fees, and living expenses” (American Immigration Council). Not to mention, undocumented immigrant also contribute benefit toward a local area. For example, in some place in Texas area, a small city has increase crimes activities continually, which caused all most all of the citizen to move out of that city. Because of that most business and markets ran out of business and the house and apartment renting become cheaper. Due to that reason, the economy in that city is falling apart. That is when undocumented immigrants step in and they help to bring back the economy. Because these undocumented immigration don’t really care much about crimes activity as long they could find some place cheap to build a new life that better then what they had in their