Having been married for a lengthy amount of time, Nora tries to express how she wants to be treated, but Torvald ignores her. Despite this, she diligently works on paying off her loan and almost finishes doing so. Thus, she sacrifices hidden time and energy for the mutual benefit of their relationship. Near the end of the crisis with Krogstad, she hopes fervently that her husband will not react negatively, but his outburst suddenly leads to an awakening. After all the pitiful treatment given by her husband, his failure to recognize her portion of their relationship leads her to begin walking away immediately (107). Although leaving her children with a single parent can be questioned as wrong, the reader understands why she finally leaves Torvald at the end. Having had patience for perhaps longer than expected given the circumstances, Nora does not hesitate when she makes her fateful decision. Because of her actions, Nora proves she can clearly discern the right time to wait and to
Having been married for a lengthy amount of time, Nora tries to express how she wants to be treated, but Torvald ignores her. Despite this, she diligently works on paying off her loan and almost finishes doing so. Thus, she sacrifices hidden time and energy for the mutual benefit of their relationship. Near the end of the crisis with Krogstad, she hopes fervently that her husband will not react negatively, but his outburst suddenly leads to an awakening. After all the pitiful treatment given by her husband, his failure to recognize her portion of their relationship leads her to begin walking away immediately (107). Although leaving her children with a single parent can be questioned as wrong, the reader understands why she finally leaves Torvald at the end. Having had patience for perhaps longer than expected given the circumstances, Nora does not hesitate when she makes her fateful decision. Because of her actions, Nora proves she can clearly discern the right time to wait and to