What Happens After The Trial In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama and is set in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. The book is about the Finch siblings, Jem and Scout and what they encountered before, during, and after the trial. Before the trial, the Finch siblings and their friend Dill build a strange relationship with the county’s outcasted man, Boo Radley. Once the trial starts Jem and Scout learn that it is about a black man being wrongly accused and convicted of raping a white woman. Jem and Scout’s father, Atticus Finch was assigned to defend the black man, Tom Robinson. Since Atticus was defending a black man, there was horrible accusations being thrown at the Finch family. Even after the trial is over the Finch family …show more content…
“You know, I’d hoped to get through life without taking a case of this kind, but John Taylor pointed at me and said,’You’re It.’” (Lee 117). The judge, John Taylor assigned Atticus to defend Tom Robinson and Atticus accepted. Even though this may seem like an easy task, it is not because the people of Maycomb County are racist. The white people think they are superior to the black people and do not treat the black people like human beings. For example, black people cannot get a job as a lawyer or a doctor, usually they were farmers or helpers for white families. Therefore, white people will not take too kindly to seeing a white man willingly defend a black man in court. Even though Atticus knew the consequences of taking the case such as people criticizing Jem and Scout because of Atticus’ actions, Atticus still agreed. Atticus still took the case because it is morally the right decision to do. Taking the case is morally the right decision to do because Tom is still a person, no matter what color Tom is. Defending Tom should not even be given a second thought but since the people of Maycomb County are racist and Tom is black and not white, it is a hardship for Atticus to defend Tom. Atticus showed courage by taking the case and defending a black man even though it is considered “wrong” in the eyes of Maycomb …show more content…
All of these characters showed courage even when it was difficult and had negative results. Having courage is an important trait to have in the real world because people will always try to tear other people down. However, when people show courage in difficult situations people always pull through because courage is able to let people feel invincible. Courage sends people into the direction of having integrity, thus making people always do morally the right decisions even when the outcome is

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