Slavery was a horrible event that happened in American history and it should have been abolished, not expanded. With that being said, the cotton gin also impacted the production of cotton in a good way. The cotton gin made it fifty times faster to separate cotton than by doing it by hand. Let me elaborate. It took one day to separate one pound of cotton by hand, but with the cotton gin, you can separate fifty pounds in a day. Since cotton was America’s main export, it was important that the production of cotton can be done easier and faster than before the invention. In conclusion, I want to recap that the cotton gin had positive and negative impacts on American history. The positive impact being that it made it less challenging to separate cotton in a shorter time and the negative impact being that it expanded slavery even though it should have been
Slavery was a horrible event that happened in American history and it should have been abolished, not expanded. With that being said, the cotton gin also impacted the production of cotton in a good way. The cotton gin made it fifty times faster to separate cotton than by doing it by hand. Let me elaborate. It took one day to separate one pound of cotton by hand, but with the cotton gin, you can separate fifty pounds in a day. Since cotton was America’s main export, it was important that the production of cotton can be done easier and faster than before the invention. In conclusion, I want to recap that the cotton gin had positive and negative impacts on American history. The positive impact being that it made it less challenging to separate cotton in a shorter time and the negative impact being that it expanded slavery even though it should have been