A vast number of slaves were freed by their masters and they had the opportunity to find their families they were separated from. They were safe from laborious activities, being tortured and humiliated. Once the cotton gin was invented it became easier to produce cotton. Now cotton production was easier and cotton farming at the time was considered as a money-making business that allowed the farmers to gain returns in the form of huge profits. White people who owned the farms thought that they were too superior to do the manual labor themselves and they had to bring in African Americans who were inferior and stronger and thus capable of performing the hard tasks that were associated with cotton farming. As a result, more slaves were acquired to work in the cotton farms; slavery became dominant in America and thus we can easily conclude that the cotton gin led to the increase in slavery in the country (Masters, …show more content…
This led to the rise of the civil war in which the black people wanted to be free from the rule of the white person; this aspect is both a negative and a positive effect of the invention of the cotton gin. It is positive because it led to the abolition of slavery and it is negative because it led to bloodshed because of the civil war. We cannot really say the inventor of the cotton gin was not Eli Whitney, but we can say that the cotton gin that he presented before the U.S patent office was a more mechanically advanced cotton gin. Eli Whitney’s advanced cotton gin reduced the labor required in production and increased the production of cotton and cotton products. It also led to an increase on slave trades which also led to more African American families being torn apart during