What led to the American Revolution was how the British government looked at the American colonies. …show more content…
Since they thought this led to them thinking why were the British taxing us highly. This led to the colonist not paying their taxes to the government and boycotts of British goods. So, the British kept on taxing the colonist, which led to more tensions between the two and eventually a war broke out between the two. All of this could have been avoided by if the American colonies paid their debt to the British government. They could have also gave the American colonies more freedom to back their debts instead of constantly being on their tail about the money. Also by going to war with the British government we further put ourselves in debt to pay for all the damages and other things. this war could have been avoided if the British Government considered what the colonies wanted and if the colonies complied with the British governments demands. The British government messed up by being too controlling on the American colonies and not giving them enough representation. The American colonies messed up by not complying with the British rule and taxes they put out originally and rebelling. What both sides should have done was either after the war they negotiated a plan that the Americans would pay the British at a reasonable amount. Then both sides would be happy, and no wars would be