In the beginning of …show more content…
One thing that changed Montag dramatically was the old woman that burned with her house because she loved her books so much. The saddest thing about this is that Montag had both these things happen to him in one day. In the morning, he gets told about Clarisse and then that afternoon he has to go burn all these books out of the old womans house. This does not end well because he burns the house with her in it. Thus, Montag's life in a way changes for the better; first he loses a dear friend, then he finds out about books and what they do and then him and his wife separate. For anyone that would be a hard life for them but Montag creates a liking for books and then gets 20 books and one is the Bible. As Montag wants to learn more knowledge of books he goes to an old english professor, Faber. After Montag meets Faber, he gets a little worried about how he will react to Captain Beatty the next time he sees him. Faber is smart and tells Montag to wear an earpiece, so that the next time they see each other Montag knows what to say. Montag is starting to rebel against the government. One thing that changes montag enormously is that he is meeting many new people that are taking him away from the expectations of the town. These people not only make a difference in his life but also help him become more …show more content…
Mildred rats Montag out to Beatty but the first time Beatty does not do anything but finally Beaty realizes that he must have Montag burn his own house and books with a torch. What Captain Beatty does not know is that Montag enjoys burning his house. He loves burning every memory of his wife and television in the house. While Montag destroys his house he ends up burning Captain Beatty with the torch and knocking two other fireman in the head with it and killing all three guys with one weapon and still burn his house down. Montag finally figures out that he must go to Faber's house to have him help him get out of town without the police finding out. In this last part of the book, he ended up running away from the police and jumping into a river. While on his way down the river he found a group of people that appreciate books just as much as he does. This group of people love books so much they memorize a whole book then burn it so that it is not