Stowe was an active abolitionist who felt outrage over slavery and had the last straw with passing of the Fugitive Slave Law Act of 1850. This law required free states to return runaway slaves to their masters and that if runaway slaves were not returned, officials would be charged $1,000 fine and anyone caught aiding a runaway slave would receive 6 months in prison in addition to this fine. By writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe called out the unfairness of this law for the northerner’s sake as they were being told to go against their moral code and as well as African American’s sake as they were being deprived of their only chance towards freedom. Stowe’s main objective behind writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin was to expose the evil and immortality of slavery. She provided knowledge to northerners by gradually moving the story line from the North to the Deep South giving away details that northerners were unaware of as well as showing how easy it was to take a slave away from a decent …show more content…
Shortly after Haley, the slave trader in this novel claims the management of his business is based off humanity Stowe says, “Perhaps you laugh too, dear reader; but you know humanity comes out in a variety of strange forms now a days, and there is no end to the odd things that humane people will say and do”(Uncle Tom’s Cabin 7). Statements similar to these made southerners defensive as they believed that everything in this novel was false as well as criminal for something like this to even be published. The uproar over this novel in the South proved that they could not and would not take responsibilities for their actions making Stowe’s argument effective as southerners made more of a fool of themselves attempting to defend their actions.
Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a response to the injustice of the Fugitive Slave Law Act of 1850 to prove that the legal system supported slavery and to show the world that many Americans wished upon while convincing others to become abolitionists through Christianity. Stowe changed the course of history for the United States and most importantly for African Americans by fueling the abolitionist cause and eventually starting the Civil