GPS allows law enforcement to track an offender either in Active or Passive GPS. Passive GPS stores data on the offender and downloads it through a land line for a probation officer to view and it can have a lag time of up to 12 hours. Active GPS is much more efficient than passive because its data is sent on a wireless network through the offender’s cell phone. The data or real time location of an offender can be seen every 1 to 10 minutes on a computer. Passive GPS is used in agencies more than active GPS because it cost half as much. In agencies that are rural their might be loss of signal making them …show more content…
An offender reporting to DRC must be at home unless approved to leave the house for employment or drug counseling. Given the amount of treatment as well as supervision offered to offenders DRC are the most expensive form or nonresidential sanctions however it still cost less than incarceration would.
Inmates in Douglas County, Nebraska have a reentry assistance program that is formally called a day reporting center. The reporting center offers many programs such as education and employment training and opportunities that are aimed at assisting the offender with alternative behaviors to keep them from future incarceration. Their goal is to help the inmate gain employment the leading factor of recidivism. This program is meant for pre-trial, non-violent detainees. The program may require participation to perform community services, structured program of daily activities to include: substance abuse treatment and education, Adult education alternatives, reactive behavior, cognitive and behavioral group based meetings and classes, employment assistance, violence and anger management classes, medical