Each film goes down the time line from the early 18th and even in today’s society. They really show exactly how important our history plays a significant role in many lives. Throughout all of the films there is a since of progression throughout history that racism is yet still alive. It seems that over a period of time that racism no longer exist, and slavery was no longer around but really actually it still exist. Over the years racism has changed in order stay alive, and be effective in the world today. Racial acts are have continued to happen, but just in a different …show more content…
It was known as a prediction in which race would operate in the United States. Beloved is a film that tells the story of slaves, and how they fought hard to be set free. It gave a visual of emotion and physical abuse and the way of life for Africans during that time. Due to the Emancipation Proclamation slaves were freed but, were not given equal rights due to the color of their skin. Africans were not granted any rights, and separated because they were segregated due to racism. It was until then that the civil right movement came along to make things